I just had the longest lasting stomach bug of my life. I've been fine the last couple days, so I think I'm in the clear and don't feel like I'm jinxing it by writing about it.
It started on Friday, May 8, thru Sunday, May 17. That is 10 days. 10 days of nausea, upset stomach, and not being able to eat a thing. The majority of the time in that stretch I couldn't do solid food. It was hell. Every single time I moved it was like a wave was rolling in.
I was actually starting to get better on Thursday, May 14. I had gone to urgent care the day before and got some meds. Then the next day a brush fire started in Starkey Park and the smoke was awful. On top of the potential of having to evacuate the house and it potentially burn to the ground, my stomach bug was also at square one.
It was the worst.
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