I Have Found My Spice Level and it's Popeye's Spicy Chicken

Monday, March 15, 2021

My spice and heat tolerance is about as low as can be. Just the hint of spice and heat, and it can turn my mouth into a fire pit. But, I've finally found a spicy food where I can actually enjoy the spice without experiencing pain and it is Popeye's spicy chicken.

Usually, I get mild. And then one day I was given spicy by mistake and did not notice until my first bite.  That was a surprise to my taste buds. But my mouth didn't turn to fire and tears weren't streaming down my face, so I carried on eating. And I liked it. When I was finished eating, I didn't feel the need to nearly drown myself with water or soda. I could just calmly carry on sipping my Coke and enjoy the flavor of the spice. 

I will not be going any higher on the Scoville scale, because that would surely end in the loss of my tongue.

The Cold is in My Bones

Sunday, March 7, 2021
It is still freezing in New York and I can't seem to get warm. Once the chill sets in, it is there. I feel it in my bones, constant and shaking. No matter how many layers I wear, the cold still seeps in. 

Hopefully this cold front will end soon, and the cold will be comfortable and not unbearable. Until then, I will be loading up on hot chocolates.

Waiting Brain

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

You know when you have to be somewhere at a specific time, your brain knows and leaves you thinking about it? If that happened a half an hour before, then that's fine. Good internal warning system. 

My waiting system starts hours in advance. 

If I have an appointment at noon, my brain starts getting ready for it as soon as I wake up. If I'm going out to dinner with the family, I need ample warning because my brain just can't process the spontaneity of a simple meal at a restaurant. 

I had to start getting up for my new job at 4:30 in the morning. My waiting brain started at nine the night before, and it wasn't just anxiety of starting a new job, I was waiting for 4:30 so I could get ready to leave. It keeps happening, too. It's not as bad as the first night, but the waiting for my alarm to go off starts when I'm getting ready to go to sleep, and then, once midnight passes, I wake up every hour on the hour until my alarm sounds. It's a real joy to get up in the morning.

If anyone else suffers from this condition, I need tips. 

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